Join Us for a Wellness Series
PWR! Wellness Series Elton Bordenave, PhD, MEd August 16th, 2023 4:30-6:00 pm People with Parkinson disease may heavily rely on their caregivers for support and assistance, making them an indispensable part of their lives. But caring for someone can be a challenging task. In light of this, Dr. Elton Bordenave will delve into the research…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsPWR! Wellness Series Speaker: Sarah Rice, PTA July 19, 2023 4:30-6:00 pm Falls are common in people with Parkinson disease and can cause serious injuries, including fractures and concussions. Studies show falls are the main cause of hospitalizations in Parkinson’s patients. Tai chi is known to decrease falls and subsequent hospitalizations as well as increase…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsPain Management for Parkinson Disease PWR! Wellness Series Recent studies suggest that 60- 80% of people with PD experience pain throughout their diagnosis. Dr. Cubillo will be speaking about pain science and pain management strategies for people with PD. This event will be recorded for viewing at a later date and available. Speaker: Efrain Cubillo,…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsIntro to CLES for Advanced PD – PWR! Wellness Series Join us on Zoom for: An Introduction to CLES (Carbidopa/Levodpa Entereal Suspension) for Advanced Parkinson’s Patients Dr. Agarwala will be providing an overview of Parkinson’s Disease and describing Abbvie’s medication, Duopa, that is currently approved for Advanced PD patients. Duopa is a gel suspension of…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsVision and Parkinsons Disease Parkinson’s Disease affects the visual system as a whole and causes double vision, blurry vision, eye spasms, and dry eyes. We will explore how these visual changes manifest and affect daily life; as well as how Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation and prism lenses can lessen these symptoms.Speaker: Tanya Polec, O.D., FNORA, FCOVD Date:…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsRestorative Yoga for Parkinson’s PWR! Wellness Series Speaker: Sarah Rice, PTA, RYT 200 March 15, 2023 4:30 – 6:00PM (AZ time) Relaxation is just as important as activity. Without rest, our body does not have an opportunity to regenerate and restore. Restorative Yoga provides healing for the body and mind. Sarah Rice, PTA, will provide…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsCaring for Care Partners PWR! Wellness Series February 15, 20234:30-6:00 pm (AZ time)PWR!Gym and ZoomThis event will be recorded About The Webinar Becoming a care partner for your loved one can be a significant life transition. As a care partner, you are essential in providing love, support, resiliency, companionship, and so much more to your…
Register to Attend or Watch The RecordingsWellness Series and Holiday Wrap-Up 2022 In the month of December, we will not be hosting a virtual wellness series. We have gathered together a wrap-up for the end of the year and some fun holiday events you may be interested in. Have a happy holiday! Our list of 2022 wellness series with recordings available:…
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Our goal is to make sure you’re always empowered and informed.
We offer handouts, downloads, research updates, Wellness Series talks, retreats with knowledgeable speakers, in-person and virtual wellness consultations, and in-person physical therapy visits. We are here for our PWR! Members every step of the way.
We’re excited to have you join us!