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JOIN US FOR – PWR!GYM RECHARGE Speakers: PWR!Gym Staff March 3, 2021 4:30 – 6:00PM 2020 was quite the year!…
Read MoreHow to use your phone as your best weapon to record symptoms Hi! I am Cat Printz and I am…
Read MoreMembers Only Event Join us for Ask An Expert Speaker: Catherine Printz, PT, DPT, NCS June 2, 2021 4:30 –…
Read MoreEXERCISE AND MEDICINE – LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE! Speakers: Becky Farley, PT, MS, PHD, PWR! Founder/Chief Science Officer John Goulet,…
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We find our members love our team of instructors and the many options for classes. We recommend you try a live class and see how amazing Parkinson's focused with the right team can be.

PWR! Virtual Experience has what you need in our Subscription!

- 10-12 Pre-recorded exercise videos
- Tips & Tricks to improve symptoms of Parkinson disease
- Calendar with targeted exercise plan
- Catered step-by-step programming
- Complete 4-week workout program
- 3-months' access
- Real-time access to live exercise classes (via Zoom)
- Video library with 600+ videos - PWR!Moves, HIIT, Circuit & more
- High, low, & moderate intensity classes to choose from
- Guided Plans for 8 weeks of exercise
- Tips & Tricks to improve symptoms
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