How to use the PWR!Up to put on clothing


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Join Calli as she shows you how to use your PWR!Up movements to put on your clothes with greater ease.

Calli shows us how to use the PWR!Up and PWR!Step to help put our pants on while sitting in a chair.

Let’s start with the PWR!Up. Come to the front of your chair with your feet nice and wide. Find your best posture and then bend at the hips to decrease any rigidity. Let’s PWR!Up 10 times together. You can reach for the floor if you’d like for a bigger stretch.

Now let’s rehearse the PWR!Step. Let’s bring our feet in front of us and begin to shift our weight side to side so we can bring the knee up towards the chest and the foot off the floor. It helps to think about shifting the weight big side to side to get the hip and knee up high. Let’s do 10 more together.

Now we can put those two moves together to simulate putting on our pants. I’m going to use a belt looped together as my pants to practice. Let’s PWR! down together and then PWR!Step big as we come up to step our foot into our pant leg. Let’s go ahead and try that on the other side now. Practice this a few more times thinking about stepping big as we PWR!Up.

To finish putting on our pants on, we have two options. We can weight shift and wiggle side to side to get those pants up over our hips. Or we can do a PWR!Up to come to standing to pull those pants all the way up. Let’s try both of those options one more time with big rocking side to side or a PWR!Up to stand.

To learn more tips about how to make daily functional activities easier, visit our library of Functionality vidoes on the PWR! VIrtual Experience: Click here to learn how the PWR!Moves can help you learn new skills in new ways when you’re living with PD.

Looking to make daily functional activities easier?

To learn more tips about how to make daily functional activities easier, visit our library of Functionality vidoes on the PWR! VIrtual Experience.

Learn how the PWR!Moves can help you learn new skills

Learn how the PWR!Moves can help you learn new skills in new ways when you’re living with PD.

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